Every crucial system needs to be regularly audited and hardened. To help a system administrator to perform the task there is a great tool called Lynis. In this article, I am going to explain how to install the tool. The hardening is a straight forward process. All we need to do is to follow the script suggestions.
Disclaimer: Blindly following the script’s suggestions without understanding the possible impact on your system can result in crippling it.
Perform the operations down below as root.
yum install -y git bind-utils
mkdir ~/downloads
cd ~/downloads
git clone https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis.git
cd ~/downloads/lynis
chmod 755 lynis
./lynis update info
./lynis audit system
Wait for a couple of minutes for the script to finish, and follow the recommendations under “Warnings” and “Suggestions” sections and remember – this is just a script; it can’t think and some recommendations might be false or excessive.